Master of Science in Education — Special Education Online

The Master of Science in Education online degree program is designed for educators who would like focused professional development in special education and/or to move into the special education field with further licensure.

Apply by: 4/19/25
Start class: 5/19/25
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Program Overview

Discover our online MSE in Special Education

The Master of Science in Education – Special Education online degree program will prepare you for K-12 cross-categorical special education licensure, helping to meet the high demand for special education teachers. For students not interested in licensure, but simply in increasing their inclusive teaching strategies, there is also a degree-only option. Campus policies on recency of coursework, minimum grade earned, and equivalence will apply. Official transcripts will be reviewed for applicable prior coursework following application and admission to the program.

Plus, as a student in the MSE – Special Education program, you may be eligible for the TEACH Grant.*

Explore the Careers in Special Education:

  • Elementary school, secondary school, middle school and high school special education teacher
  • Resource, exceptional student, severe/profound mental disabilities, learning support, resource programs, severe emotional disorders elementary, emotional disabilities, special education resource, inclusion, learning support, exceptional children (EC), exceptional student education (ESE), self-contained, learning support, learning disabilities special education (LD), career and transition and interrelated special education teacher
  • Teacher of children with disabilities
  • Intervention specialist and early interventionist
  • Elementary school, secondary school, middle school and high school special education teacher
  • Resource, exceptional student, severe/profound mental disabilities, learning support, resource programs, severe emotional disorders elementary, emotional disabilities, special education resource, inclusion, learning support, exceptional children (EC), exceptional student education (ESE), self-contained, learning support, learning disabilities special education (LD), career and transition and interrelated special education teacher
  • Teacher of children with disabilities
  • Intervention specialist and early interventionist

Licensure and Certification

This program meets Wisconsin state licensure requirements and satisfies many other states' and countries' requirements, as well. For a complete list and more information, click here.

This program meets Wisconsin state licensure requirements and satisfies many other states' and countries' requirements, as well. For a complete list and more information, click here.

Also available online:

UW-Superior offers value in a variety of education degree programs online. Check out our other online graduate and post-graduate education programs.

$15,600* Total Tuition
As few as 12 months Duration
30 Credit Hours

The University of Wisconsin-Superior is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (, an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

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Benefit from the value of our online education program

Tuition cost for the Master of Science in Education – Special Education online degree program is the same affordable price for students who reside in-state or out-of-state. To help make the cost more manageable, students pay for each course as they enroll. There is a $56 application fee and a $60 technology, but all other fees are included in the total cost of tuition.

Tuition breakdown:

$15,600* Total Tuition
$520 Per Credit Hour


Our course schedule is designed for flexibility

For the convenience of our Master of Science in Education – Special Education online students, there are multiple start dates each year on the academic calendar. Students should consider application date deadlines, turn in all the required documents, register for classes and pay for tuition for their desired program start date. You can be Superior any time of the year.

TermStart DateApp & Doc DeadlineRegistration DeadlinePayment DeadlineClass End Date
Spring II3/17/252/17/253/3/253/12/255/4/25
Summer I5/19/254/19/255/5/255/14/257/4/25
Summer II7/7/256/7/256/23/257/2/258/22/25
Fall I9/8/258/8/258/25/259/3/2510/26/25
Fall II11/3/2510/3/2510/20/2510/29/2512/26/25

UW-Superior Refund Schedule:
A student enrolled in this program may receive a 100% tuition refund by day 7 of the term start and a 50% tuition refund by day 14 of the term start. Any questions, please contact the Cashier’s Office at [email protected].

Now enrolling:

4/19/25 Apply Date
5/19/25 Class Starts

Have questions or need more information about our online programs?

Ready to take the rewarding path toward earning your degree online?


Find your fit in our online Special Education master’s program

The admissions process is the first step toward earning your online degree. Find out the requirements for the Master of Science in Education – Special Education online, what additional materials you should send for the outcome you desire, and where you need to send them.

Admission Requirements:

  • Baccalaureate degree
  • Initial educator’s license in teaching
  • Professional resume
  • A cumulative grade point average on all college (undergraduate and graduate) coursework of at least 2.75/4.00. Undergraduate and graduate coursework from all colleges attended will be considered.
  • A baccalaureate degree in education or a similar field from an accredited college or university
  • Official transcripts of all your undergraduate and graduate work to date. We are unable to accept transcripts from students. If you have taken courses at UW-Superior, transcripts are not required.
  • A professional resume
  • An educator's license in teaching equivalent to a Wisconsin Tier II or higher license (even if now expired)
  • Verification of completion of a Wisconsin initial teaching program (for Wisconsin add-on licensure) - ask your enrollment specialist for assistance
  • A candidate Statement of Intent, identifying the program outcome desired and future professional application of the degree/licensure sought
  • GRE not required
  • Complete criminal background check

View the International Admissions Requirements.


Take a closer look at the online MSE – Special Education courses

In order to earn the Master of Science in Education – Special Education online, students must complete three required courses (9 credit hours), four Methods courses (12 credit hours), one Research course (3 credit hours) and two Certification courses (6 credit hours). For students seeking the degree only and no further Wisconsin licensure in Special Education, completion of the Action Research Project (3 credit hours) can be taken in place of one (3 credit hours) clinical internship certification courses.

Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Students research the various federally identified disability groupings of exceptionalities, including examination of the effect of federal, state and local laws and policies on education for students with these

Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe federal and state legal systems
  • Describe the major provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Family Education and Privacy Act, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, and other federal and state laws affecting the education of students with disabilities
  • Identify and explain the major litigation leading to the passage of the IDEA
  • Discuss and evaluate the major court rulings on the IDEA
  • Locate sources of information regarding legislation and litigation in special education
  • Analyze the results of litigation using the case briefing form
  • Critically discuss and evaluate legal trends in special education
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Students research and discuss behavior theories, strategies and programs, functional analysis of behavior, positive behavior interventions and strategies, RTI, and behavior intervention plans. Students collect data to create a behavior intervention plan and apply it within an educational setting. Course emphasizes the application of theory to the academic and behavioral development of school-age children, especially those with exceptional educational needs, and provides practice in communicating those applications and principles to parents, teachers and other community stakeholders

Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Articulate typical social, emotional, and behavioral development and the factors that influence this development
  • Analyze the impact of culture and perceptions on how behaviors are defined, addressed, and assessed
  • Investigate the role of schoolwide and classroom supports on behavior
  • Formulate and communicate responses to dangerous behavior and managing crisis
  • Develop Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBAs) and Behavioral Intervention Plans (BIP)
  • Utilize a variety of data collection tools
  • Create interventions/instruction for students driven by FBAs/BIPs
  • Write effectively and efficiently for a variety of audiences about course topics and educational issues
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Working with families and community agencies is the focus of this class. The use of facilitating planning meetings with families will be an emphasis as well as establishing partnerships with community agencies that serve the variety of needs of families with students who have disabilities. In addition, there will be concentration on transitions skills—from each level of schooling to another and then on to post-secondary options.

Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Identify and define critical junctures for students and families in transition related activities
  • Identify local organizations that serve individuals with disabilities after graduation/separation from school districts
  • Create a transition plan as required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
  • Create a personal Critical Juncture timeline to begin to develop an understanding of baseline data for students with disabilities and their goals
  • Create an electronic resource file that may be used and updated throughout a career for all topics related to Transition for individuals with disabilities
  • Write effectively and efficiently for a variety of audiences about course topics and educational issues
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Investigate the various aspects of reading challenges so that educators can provide effective reading instruction to readers of various abilities. Strategies for diagnosis and remediation of reading difficulties at the elementary and secondary levels will be considered. Fieldwork with students who struggle in reading will be required.

Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Articulate the various methods of monitoring and teaching students who struggle in school
  • Review the various strategies for use with students with reading issues that necessitate interventions
  • Discover and share resources for collaboration with colleagues
  • Research various curricula and create differentiated lessons/unit to meet the needs of diverse learners
  • Develop strategies for teaching reading skills to students identified with a disability
  • Write effectively and efficiently for a variety of audiences about course topics and educational issues
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Students observe, research and reflect upon methods, strategies and materials for adapting curricula to meet the learning needs of students with mild to severe high-incidence exceptional educational needs. Emphasizes knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary to evaluate students' academic and social needs, research and design appropriate curricula, make modifications and adaptations throughout and across curricular, differentiate curriculum and instruction, and use research-based teaching strategies. Students modify an existing curricular element and practice the modification with one or more students in the field.

Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Articulate the various methods of monitoring and teaching students who struggle in school
  • Review the various strategies for use with students whether in a special education placement or in an RtI system and how to select which strategy for each student
  • Discover and share resources for collaboration with colleagues—from behavioral interventions to academic interventions
  • Research various curricula and create differentiated lessons/unit to meet the needs of diverse learners
  • Develop strategies for teaching reading, mathematics, written language, and test taking skills for students with disabilities
  • Write effectively and efficiently for a variety of audiences about course topics and educational issues
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Examines assessment procedures and teaching strategies appropriate to providing instruction to students having difficulty learning mathematics. Emphasis is on differentiating and adapting existing curriculum to assist all students in reaching the goals of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM 2000).

Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Articulate the various methods of monitoring and teaching students who struggle in school
  • Review the various strategies for use with students with math issues that necessitate interventions
  • Discover and share resources for collaboration with colleagues—math assessments and interventions that work
  • Research various curricula and create differentiated lessons/unit to meet the needs of diverse learners
  • Develop a strategy for test preparation for the PRAXIS II – Middle School Content and create a schedule of study times and techniques in order to pass this benchmark
  • Develop strategies for teaching math skills to students identified with a disability
  • Write effectively and efficiently for a variety of audiences about course topics and educational issues
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Focus on the major issues of learning and reflecting upon the skills and dispositions necessary for managing a special education classroom and/or case load. Includes curriculum design and evaluation, collaboration with multiple stakeholders, time management, assistive technology and universal design. A fieldwork curriculum research project and presentation is required

Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Articulate the various methods of co-teaching, collaborating, and consulting
  • Create a Collaborative Consultation Model to be used in district/building
  • Discover and share resources for collaboration with colleagues
  • Plan for improvement in the consultation and collaboration in current assignment
  • Develop problem-solving methods of dealing with disagreements and varying perspectives
  • Develop strategies for creating partnerships within the school and community
  • Write effectively and efficiently for a variety of audiences about course topics and educational issues
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Focus on research methodology and topics specific to the field of education. Complete an action research project surrounding an issue of interest/need in your classroom or program through the use of a single subject design. Examine existing research and determine how it may apply to your classroom/program.

Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Design an action research project that will have impact in the field of education
  • Communicate clearly to others in the field the findings and implications of an action research project to fulfill the graduate program objective of scholarly inquiry and application
  • Use APA style effectively for written work
  • Summarize pertinent research related to the data collection proposed for the project
  • Design action research questions that could develop into a complete Action Research Project
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Addresses the study of measurement theory and basic statistics needed for understanding assessment. Also focuses on general test construction, appropriate instrument selection with awareness of limitations, multicultural and ethical considerations. Assessment interpretation and IEP preparation is examined in depth. Students experience the administration, interpretation and reporting of a select sample of assessment tools. Lab fee.

Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Identify models, theories, and philosophies that form the basis for special education practice
  • Use valid and reliable assessment practices to minimize bias
  • Facilitate the role of families in the special education process
  • Articulate procedural safeguards as indicated in the federal regulations
  • Identify components that make an evaluation report clear and concise
  • Write effectively and efficiently for a variety of audiences about course topics and educational
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Note: required for students who are not licensed in Special Ed. 135 hours of field-based experience in teaching students who have severe to mild exceptional educational needs in the areas of learning disabilities, cognitive disabilities and emotional behavioral disabilities. Students may choose one or more concentrations from the above listed disability areas. A student seminar meets regularly for study and discussion. Students complete and present a professional Special Educator portfolio.

Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Work in a classroom setting directly with students who have identified disabilities in the area of your chosen licensure (ID, SLD, EBD, or all three)
  • Provide instruction to students with identified disabilities. A minimum of 35 hours per credit need to be documented in the classroom setting and/or preparation of materials or reports.
  • Participate in IEP related activities: assessment, report writing, team meetings, parent meetings, planning, etc. A minimum of 10 hours of IEP activities for each area of licensure should be logged.
  • Keep a journal of activities, such as one or two incidents that stand out and you learned something from. Submit each month to the Drop Box.
  • Contribute to discussions in CANVAS monthly
  • Complete your professional portfolio according to the standards required
  • Write effectively and efficiently for a variety of audiences about course topics and educational issues
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Deep study of the use of informational text to support reading comprehension so that educators can provide effective reading instruction to readers of various abilities. Strategies for raising the rigor in reading and writing will be explored at the elementary and secondary level. Fieldwork with students who struggle in reading will be required.

Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Articulate the various methods of monitoring and teaching students who struggle in school
  • Review the various strategies for use with students with reading issues that necessitate interventions
  • Discover and share resources for collaboration with colleagues
  • Research various curricula and create differentiated lessons/unit to meet the needs of diverse learners
  • Develop strategies for teaching reading skills to students identified with a disability
  • Write effectively and efficiently for a variety of audiences about course topics and educational issues
Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
Credit Hours: 3
Complete the Action Research Project developed in Action Research Methods. Collect data, create Action Plan, and present to the constituents of the project - staff, faculty, and/or school board.

Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Develop a plan of action describing data collection and analysis procedures
  • Discuss with colleagues/classmates progress on action research data collection and analysis
  • Implement an action research project that will impact in the field of education
  • Communicate clearly to others in the field the finding and implications of your action research project to fulfill the graduate program objective of scholarly inquiry and application
  • Use APA style effectively for written work
  • Summarize pertinent research related to the data collection proposed for the project

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for help with any questions you may have.

*The maximum grant amount can vary by year. TEACH Grants are available to qualified applicants who enroll in a TEACH-Grant eligible program and require approved recipients to sign a service agreement for certain teaching service obligations. If you do not meet the requirements of your service obligation, the grant will turn into a loan that must be repaid, with interest. For more information, please visit: or contact the UW-Superior Financial Aid Office.