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Online Master’s Degree for Wisconsin Teachers

When experienced teachers consider a career move or simply want to enhance their skills and knowledge, they often look for a quality school that provides advanced degree programs online. The University of Wisconsin-Superior offers three master’s degrees in education to suit almost any plan for that next professional step.

Master of Science in Education – Educational Administration

For teachers with classroom experience, a master’s degree in educational administration opens up opportunities to continue to work within the educational system but in different capacities. As a graduate of this program, you will be qualified to apply for the following positions:

  • Elementary, secondary or post-secondary administrator.
  • Director.
  • Administrator.
  • Site coordinator.
  • Executive director.
  • Assistant principal.
  • Principal.

Each track offered with this degree requires 24 hours of core courses, as well as a practicum. Tracks include PK-12 Principalship Track, PK-12 Director of Instruction Track, and Director of Special Education and Pupil Services Track.

Master of Science in Education – Special Education

Another option for teachers with experience in the classroom is the Master of Science in Education – Special Education degree. The career outcomes for this program include the following:

  • Elementary school, secondary school, middle school and high school special education teacher.
  • Resource teacher.
  • Learning disabilities special education teacher.
  • Career and transition special education teacher.
  • Interrelated special education teacher.
  • Teacher of children with disabilities.
  • Intervention specialist and early interventionist.

The Special Education program includes courses designed to prepare teachers for working with exceptional students. In core courses, students research and discuss the identified exceptionalities, analyze theories of behavior and behavior interventions, and learn strategies for working with families and the community.

Students study various assessment methods and measurements. In addition, this program requires an action research project as well as a special education internship.

Master of Science in Education – Instruction

For teachers who would like to enhance and strengthen the skills and practices they use every day in the classroom, UW-Superior offers a master’s degree in instruction. Coursework for this program focuses on specific areas of instruction, student achievement and best practices in all areas of classroom education.

Teachers already working in the classroom know more about their students than just test scores. They know and understand how their students learn best, how they socialize, and what their home lives may be like.

These teachers also know that each classroom includes students with different levels of academic ability. They understand that a one-size-fits-all approach to instruction will never work. Danna Livingston, a 2016 graduate, said, “The instruction degree just gave me really good, up-to-date teaching tips and different styles of teaching because they are constantly changing and evolving.” The coursework offers options and solutions to support all students, including exceptional learners and learners with special needs.

In addition, strong teachers work continuously to stay current with issues related to diversity, inequalities and social justice in the classroom. Course topics explore in depth the history of educational inequities and how “power dynamics, pedagogy and ideologies … frame education in a democratic society.”

Convenience and Quality

To working professionals, it may seem that completing a master’s degree would take a long time and a lot of effort. However, the all-online master’s degree in education from UW-Superior is convenient and flexible, allowing you to create your own schedule.

Convenience, however, does not come at the expense of quality. Every class in the Master of Science in Education program is taught by the same experienced faculty members who teach on campus.

Whether working toward a career change or simply honing your skills as a classroom teacher, earning an advanced degree in education from UW-Superior will provide a quality education at a pace and price to meet almost every schedule and budget.

Learn more about the UW-Superior online Master of Science in Education program.

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