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Career Options With an Online MSEI

University of Wisconsin-Superior offers a Master of Science in Education – Instruction (MSEI) as one of its fully online programs. The curriculum consists of 50 percent required courses and 50 percent electives, and students can complete the program in as few as 12 months.

For students who are licensed K-12 teachers, the MSEI program provides more in-depth work on the learning process, along with best practices in assessment and instruction.

For students who are not licensed classroom teachers, the MSEI program offers tools to provide community education and outreach in a technical or community college or private educational environment that does not require a license. This program also gives students the background to supervise, manage or coordinate community organizations such as the YMCA, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, after-school programs or organizations such as Head Start.

Career Options for the MSEI Online

There are a number of career options when you have a Master of Science in Education – Instruction. Several jobs along with their median salaries listed below (actual salaries vary by geographic location and years of experience):

Instructional or program coordinator — Oversees school curricula and teaching standards. This is typically a year-round job and requires a master’s degree and related work experience, such as teaching or school administration. The median annual wage for instructional coordinators was $63,750 in May 2017.

Training and development specialist — Plans, conducts and administers programs that train employees and improve their skills and knowledge. This is a position that can be found in nearly every industry and does not require a master’s degree, although those with an advanced degree earn higher salaries. The median annual wage for training and development specialists was $60,360 in May 2017.

Program outreach administrator — Manages the outreach and networking with institutions, agencies, recruiters, faculty and more. This position often involves marketing and administrative support, as well as acting as a liaison between a community or region and the school, institution or group. The median annual salary for a community outreach director was $51,834 in August 2018.

Technical career educator — Career and technical education teachers instruct students in various technical and vocational subjects like healthcare, culinary arts, auto repair and more. Most work in public schools, including middle and high schools and two-year colleges. Others work in technical, trade and business schools. The median wage for a career/technical educator was $55,240 in May 2017.

Corporate trainer, technical trainer or educator — A corporate trainer mentors, trains and helps employees in their organization to develop professionally. They are also usually responsible for documentation and assessment, and sometimes curriculum. The median salary for a corporate trainer in July 2018 was $54,404. A technical trainer has similar responsibilities and is also usually a subject matter expert who may hold certifications. They often conduct conferences, webinars and lectures. The median salary for a technical trainer in July 2018 was $62,117.

The UW-Superior MSEI is offered as a fully online program in order to provide working professionals with the opportunity to pursue an advanced degree in a flexible, personalized way. Any individual with an undergraduate degree may apply. It is not necessary to be engaged in classroom teaching or to hold credentials as a classroom teacher.

Learn more about the UW-Superior Master of Science in Education – Instruction online program.


U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Instructional Coordinators

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Training and Development Specialists

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Career and Technical Education Teachers

PayScale: Community Outreach Director Salary

PayScale: Corporate Trainer Salary

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