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The Possibilities of Educational Administration: What You Can Do With an Education Specialist (Ed.S.) Degree

A career in educational administration offers a pathway to create lasting change in schools and communities. For those with a passion for leadership and a desire to make an impact, the online Education Specialist (Ed.S.) in Educational Administration – Superintendent/District Administrator program from the University of Wisconsin-Superior (UW-Superior) provides a unique opportunity to develop skills essential for advancing in education.

This program is designed for educators with a master’s degree and a principal’s license, as the program offers specialized knowledge for roles like superintendent or district administrator. However, an Ed.S. degree opens doors to many other rewarding positions in educational leadership, preparing graduates to bring meaningful change to the field.

What Is Educational Administration?

Educational administration comprises leadership roles focused on organizing and managing schools, districts or educational programs. According to, “Education administration is the strategic management and coordination of educational institutions and their resources to achieve specific academic objectives. It encompasses a variety of functions including planning, organizing, directing, and evaluating the systems and processes necessary for effective teaching and learning.”

School and district administrators play a key role in creating systems that support the entire school community and ensure compliance with state and federal guidelines. With a focus on advanced leadership, policymaking and management skills, Ed.S. graduates are equipped to take on critical roles in K-12 and post-secondary education settings. A degree in this field not only boosts professional credibility but also provides enhanced earning potential and access to specialized administrative positions.

What Is an Ed.S. Degree? What Jobs Can Graduates Pursue?

The Ed.S. degree is a post-master’s credential that equips educators with the skills to navigate complex issues in education, from curriculum development to learning analytics. It’s a valuable alternative for those who wish to deepen their expertise without committing to a PhD or EdD. According to Indeed, an Ed.S. is a stepping stone to advanced leadership roles with better salaries and offers a specialized path for those aiming to make an impact at the institutional level.

While many individuals with this degree pursue the superintendent or district administrator roles, these are not the only options. There are many other accessible roles that you can pursue with an Ed.S. degree, such as the following:


Principals manage the daily operations of a school and oversee curriculum standards, budgets and staff coordination. With an Ed.S., principals gain an advanced understanding of leadership and policy-making, enabling them to foster effective learning environments. According to Indeed’s career insights, the average salary for a principal is around $101,583 annually.

Education Resource Specialist

Education resource specialists focus on coordinating resources to support students to “help them achieve their learning goals. These specialists provide instruction for students and advocate for resources to ensure their academic progress,” per Indeed. With an Ed.S., specialists are uniquely prepared to advocate for accommodations and create inclusive environments. The average annual salary is $54,449.

District Administrator

District administrators oversee operations across multiple schools, handling budgets and implementing district-wide policies. Their expertise allows them to adapt to ever-evolving administrative trends. This senior-level position typically pays an average of $87,873 annually, per ZipRecruiter.

The online Ed.S. in Educational Administration – Superintendent/District Administrator program from UW-Superior equips graduates for various roles in educational administration. Graduates are prepared to drive positive change, plan and implement effective strategies, and support the advancement of education.

Learn more about UW-Superior’s online Ed.S. in Educational Administration – Superintendent/District Administrator program.

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