Education Specialist in Educational Administration — Superintendent District Administrator Online

Prepare for licensure as a superintendent or school district administrator in as few as 18 months. This program, designed for educators who already hold a master's degree in education and a principal's license, focuses on practical application and evolving trends.

Apply by: 4/19/25
Start class: 5/19/25
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Program Overview

Discover what our online Ed.S. degree offers you

The 100% online Education Specialist in Educational Administration – Superintendent/District Administrator program offers a student-focused approach to the practical application of advanced theoretical concepts, specialized professional skills, and technical knowledge. Students will learn from faculty with extensive experience as practitioners in the field, with coursework customized to reflect evolving administrative trends, delivered in an accelerated online format to meet the needs of working educators.

The program provides a path to administrator licensure. It is designed to increase competencies and satisfy certification requirements to prepare for new roles with increased responsibilities.

Graduates of this Superintendent/District Administrator online degree program will:

  • Develop advanced specialized professional skills for present and/or anticipated future professional leadership positions
  • Apply theoretical concepts relating to the professional and ethical role of the practitioner
  • Gain a background in research and statistical methodology to provide a utilitarian understanding of applied research for informed decision-making
  • Acquire skills in writing policies, understanding hiring practices, and professional coaching
  • Students completing this program prior to Sept. 1, 2020 will be eligible for the Wisconsin EC-A superintendent license. Those completing the program after Sept. 1, 2020 will be eligible for the Wisconsin K12 superintendent license.
  • Develop advanced specialized professional skills for present and/or anticipated future professional leadership positions
  • Apply theoretical concepts relating to the professional and ethical role of the practitioner
  • Gain a background in research and statistical methodology to provide a utilitarian understanding of applied research for informed decision-making
  • Acquire skills in writing policies, understanding hiring practices, and professional coaching
  • Students completing this program prior to Sept. 1, 2020 will be eligible for the Wisconsin EC-A superintendent license. Those completing the program after Sept. 1, 2020 will be eligible for the Wisconsin K12 superintendent license.

Licensure and Certification

This program meets Wisconsin state licensure requirements and satisfies many other states' and countries' requirements, as well. For a complete list and more information, click here.

This program meets Wisconsin state licensure requirements and satisfies many other states' and countries' requirements, as well. For a complete list and more information, click here.

Also available online:

UW-Superior offers value in a variety of education degree programs online. Check out our other online graduate and post-graduate education programs.

$15,600* Total Tuition
As few as 18 months Duration
30 Credit Hours

The University of Wisconsin-Superior is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (, an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

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Find out how and when to pay your tuition

Tuition cost for the Education Specialist in Educational Administration – Superintendent/District Administrator online degree program is the same affordable price for students who reside in-state or out-of-state. Students pay for each course as they enroll. There is a $56 application fee and a $60 technology, but all other fees are included in the total cost of tuition.

Tuition breakdown:

$15,600* Total Tuition
$520 Per Credit Hour


Jot down these key dates and deadlines for UW- Superior online programs

For the convenience of our Education Specialist in Educational Administration – Superintendent/District Administrator online students, there are multiple start dates each year on the academic calendar. Students should consider application date deadlines, turn in all the required documents, register for classes and pay for tuition for their desired program start date. You can be Superior any time of the year.

TermStart DateApp & Doc DeadlineRegistration DeadlinePayment DeadlineClass End Date
Spring II3/17/252/17/253/3/253/12/255/4/25
Summer I5/19/254/19/255/5/255/14/257/4/25
Summer II7/7/256/7/256/23/257/2/258/22/25

UW-Superior Refund Schedule:
A student enrolled in this program may receive a 100% tuition refund by day 7 of the term start and a 50% tuition refund by day 14 of the term start. Any questions, please contact the Cashier’s Office at [email protected].

Now enrolling:

4/19/25 Apply Date
5/19/25 Class Starts

Have questions or need more information about our online programs?

Ready to take the rewarding path toward earning your degree online?


Prepare for what you need to know before applying to the online education administration degree

The admissions process is the first step toward earning your online degree. Familiarize yourself with the requirements for the Education Specialist in Educational Administration – Superintendent/District Administrator online program, along with information on required documentation.

Admission Requirements:

  • Master’s degree in education
  • Current resume or CV
  • Must hold a principal’s license

Applicants must meet the following requirements to be eligible for admission:

  • Pay $56 application fee
  • Master's degree in education from an accredited college or university
  • Must hold a principal's license
  • A cumulative grade point average on all college (undergraduate and graduate) coursework of at least 2.75/4.00. Undergraduate and graduate coursework from all colleges attended will be considered.
  • Submit official transcripts from all institutions attended
  • Current resume or CV detailing three years of teaching experience or the equivalent. Three years of teaching experience is required prior to admission to administrative licensure programs.
  • A candidate Statement of Intent identifying the professional application of the degree/licensure
  • No GRE is required
  • Complete criminal background check
  • View the International Admissions Requirements.


    These are the topics you’ll study in the online Superintendent/District Administrator degree program

    In order to earn the Education Specialist in Educational Administration – Superintendent/District Administrator online, students must complete 10 courses (30 credit hours), including a minimum 180-hour administrative internship. All courses, except the internship, are seven weeks in length.

    Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
    Credit Hours: 3
    Comprehensive study of K-12 instructional and non-instructional personnel planning, information management, recruitment, selection, induction, appraisal, staff development, compensation, continuity of service, collective bargaining, grievance procedures, and employee contract administration.

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of this course, students will:

    • Articulate research-based practices for recruiting, hiring, supporting, supervising, developing, and retaining school and district staff
    • Develop strategies for engaging school and district staff in the recruitment and selection
    • Recommend and/or implement strategic data-informed staffing based upon student, school, and district needs
    • Recognize appropriate strategies for developing and maintaining a collaborative professional culture designed to support improvement, retention, learning, and well-being
    • Outline strategies for cultivating leadership among school and district
    • Use data to evaluate district human resources needs
    • Use research and data to develop a district level system for hiring retention, and supervision of school/district
    • Evaluate candidate materials for instructional and leadership positions
    • Implement systems of leadership supervision, evaluation, and feedback
    Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
    Credit Hours: 3
    Study of the role and responsibilities of the school superintendent with emphasis on the job competency needed for that leadership role. Topics focus on school improvement through organizational and instructional leadership, assessment and long-range planning, political theory and skills, crisis management, and careful allocation of district resources.

    Learning Outcomes

    This course partially satisfies the requirements for the masters of science in education or the educational specialist degree. This course will assist you in facilitating your professional preparation as the primary educational leader of a school district who promotes the success of all students and the effective use of resources by collaborating with a diverse range of stakeholders through organizational and instructional leadership [ISLLC Performance Standard #5 & #6] through the following objectives. These objectives and activities include, but are not limited to:

    • Assess personal assumptions, values, beliefs, and practices that guide improvement of student learning.
    • Manage a variety of strategies to lead others in safely examining deeply held assumptions and beliefs that may conflict with vision and goals.
    • Facilitate constructive discussions and action with the public about federal, state, and local laws, policies, regulations, and statutory requirements affecting the continuous improvement of educational programs and outcomes.
    • Build strong relationships with the school board, district and state education leaders, and policy actors to inform and influence policies and policymakers in the service of children and families.
    • Operate within budget and fiscal guidelines and directs them effectively toward teaching and learning.
    • Allocate funds based on student needs within the framework of federal and state rules.
    • Advocates for public policies that ensure appropriate and equitable human and fiscal resources and improve student learning.
    • Respectfully challenge and work to change assumptions and beliefs that negatively affect students, educational environments, and every student learning.
    • Help educators and the wider community understand and focus on vision and goals for students within political conflicts over educational purposes and methods.
    • Communicate effectively in writing and speaking.
    Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
    Credit Hours: 3
    Study of the principles, techniques and procedures used in planning of educational facilities in K-12 systems. Emphasis on the assessment of needs, involvement in the planning process, development of educational specifications, long-range planning, and financing. Risk management and insurance issues are covered within the knowledge base.

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of this course, learners will:

    • Be able to explain the considerations to be included in managing and developing facilities planning and management as it relates to and supports the total educational process at a district-level
    • Define knowledge related to educational facilities program and financing
    • Articulate the process and conditions around financing capital projects
    • Demonstrate the capacity to develop, communicate, implement, and evaluate data-based district resourcing plans to support school and district level planning efforts
    • Operate within budget, legal, and policy guidelines to ensure appropriate facilities to support effective teaching and learning
    • Communicate effectively in writing and speaking
    Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
    Credit Hours: 3
    Study of the administrative responsibility for successful diverse community relations with emphasis on the process, principles, channels, opinion sampling, and evolving concepts of communication. A program will be developed including policy, objectives, defining publics, determining media, timing and feedback.

    Learning Outcomes

    This course partially satisfies the requirements for the masters of science in education or the educational specialist degree. This course will assist you in facilitating your professional preparation as an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources [NELP District Standards #3 & #5, primarily]. These course objectives include, but are not limited to:

    • Analyze effective communication methods.
    • Identify the centers of community influence and methods of assessing community support or nonsupport of the district's programs.
    • Understand the effect of good staff morale on public relations.
    • Communicate effectively in writing and speaking.
    • Understand the importance of working with formal and informal political structures of the community, state, and national government.
    • Attend, facilitate, and participate in school-wide and community events.
    • Involve diverse community groups to develop trust, and to support and implement programs and services to increase student achievement.
    • Identify and use diverse community resources to develop and improve programs and partnerships and to meet the needs of all students and stakeholders.
    • Collaborate with families, the community, service-providers, and other key decision-makers to increase student achievement.
    • Recognize, respect and respond to the needs of diverse families and community groups.
    • Create and sustain celebrations, traditions, and customs that promote awareness of and respect for diversity.
    • Employ multiple communication strategies to engage and collaborate effectively with all stakeholders.
    • Use culturally-responsive practices that acknowledge and value diversity.
    Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
    Credit Hours: 3
    Selected theories and research relating to individual and group behaviors in K-12 educational organizations with emphasis on ethics in public life among professionals, leaders and citizens. Particular emphasis given to political, cultural, business, computer and legal ethics for school leaders.

    Learning Outcomes

    This course will assist you in facilitating professional development as a public school administrator through the following objectives:

    • Identify and discuss the political, social, cultural, and ethics issues that confront educational bodies and school administrators
    • Explain and select pertinent ethical lenses through which to view conflicts
    • Apply an ethical decision-making process
    • Describe the diverse interests and needs of families and stakeholders in a school’s community
    • List strategies for collaborating with families and stakeholders in order to further a school’s vision for its students
    Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
    Credit Hours: 3
    Study of the theory and practice of school finance at the local, state and national levels. Emphasis on the economics of education, public finance, and taxation.

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

    • Assess personal assumptions, values, beliefs, and practices that guide managing school finances and business practices
    • Advocates for public policies that ensure appropriate and equitable human and fiscal resources and improve student learning
    • Facilitate constructive discussions and action with the public about federal, state, and local laws, policies, regulations, and statutory requirements affecting the continuous improvement of educational programs and outcomes
    • Build strong relationships with the school board, district and state education leaders, and policy actors to inform and influence policies and policymakers in the service of children and families
    • Operate within budget and fiscal guidelines and directs them effectively toward teaching and learning
    • Allocate funds based on student needs within the framework of federal and state rules
    • Communicate effectively in writing and speaking
    Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
    Credit Hours: 3
    Examines the governance structure of education. Focuses on the roles of various political factors and special interest groups in the structure and the emergence of new political roles and initiatives in educational administration.

    Learning Outcomes

    By the end of this course, students will know how to:

    • Assess the context of developing their political strategies and why it is important for school leaders to participate in the political process
    • Analyze the emotional development process, associated with politics in education, that is required to be effective school leaders
    • Identify the ways that politics are used inside and outside of schools and the impact and affect on education
    • Identify the interplay that occurs between political party affiliations and education
    • Analyze the impact that human conditions and demographics that can lead to political turmoil across regions, communities, and school districts
    • Identify and process the political pressures that are placed on agencies and organizations that serve students
    • Review the scarcity of school resources and the political interplay that exists to capitalize on those resources
    • Analyze ways that school leaders can engage in political activism to improve student learning
    Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
    Credit Hours: 3
    A minimum 180-hour administrative internship (two 1.5-credit modules for a total of three credits) in grades PK-12 superintendency. Prerequisite: Completion of nine semester credits in Educational Administration beyond the master's program.

    Learning Outcomes

    The objectives and goals of completing this course include:

    • Assisting you in facilitating your professional preparation as the primary educational leader of a school district who promotes the success of all students and the effective use of resources by collaborating with a diverse range of stakeholders through organizational and instructional leadership
    • Providing you a variety of coherent, authentic field and/or clinical internship experiences within multiple school environments that afford opportunities to interact with stakeholders, synthesize and apply the content knowledge, and develop and refine the professional skills articulated in each of the components included in NELP district-level program standards 1-7
    • Ensuring a minimum of six months of concentrated (10–15 hours per week) internship or clinical experiences that include authentic leadership activities within a school setting
    • Providing you with a mentor who has demonstrated effectiveness as an educational leader within a district setting; is present for a significant portion of the internship; is selected collaboratively by the intern, a representative of the school and/or district, and program faculty; and has received training from the supervising institution
    • Teaching you to communicate effectively in writing and speaking
    Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
    Credit Hours: 3
    Study of statistical design and methodology used in educational research with emphasis given to understandings of appropriate application of statistical tests to educational data. The student studies application of skills developed in basic statistics. Emphasis on the understanding, planning and execution of statistical studies, descriptive and inferential in approach. Study is conducted with a computer-oriented approach.

    Learning Outcomes

    The objectives of completing this course include:

    • Defining various basic statistical-terms and describe the value of statistics
    • Describing the basic tenets of descriptive including data representation and concept of population parameters and sample statistics
    • Enabling you to solve problems through the use of descriptive statistics and explain the rationale for measuring central tendency, variability, graph interpretation, and concept of normal distribution and standard scores
    • Defining the basic concept of probability and statistics
    • Enabling you to solve problems and explain the rationale through inferential statistics to include concept of hypothesis testing; inference about single mean; difference between two means; inference about proportions and variances; and bivariate measure of association chi square tests, t-tests, correlation and regression procedures, analysis of variance tests, and use of the ordinal alternative
    • Teach you to utilize appropriate statistical tests and tools in order to analyze & interpret statistical information presented in everyday life and in the course of education in the social sciences
    • Teach you to communicate effectively in writing and speaking
    Duration: 7 Weeks weeks
    Credit Hours: 3
    Scholarly work requirement provides the post-graduate student an opportunity to conduct action research in an educational administration related project. The action research and scholarly paper development is completed under the direction of the student's advisor. Guidelines for action research and the subsequent paper are available from the advisor.

    Learning Outcomes

    Students who complete this course will be able to:

    • Select varied sources of information and analyze data about current practices and outcomes to shape a vision and goals with high, measurable expectations for all students and educators
    • Develop and utilize data systems and other sources of information (e.g., test scores, teacher reports, student work samples) to identify unique strengths and needs of students, gaps between current outcomes and goals, and areas for improvement
    • Evaluate potential courses of action informed by data, research, and best practices to shape plans, programs, and activities and regularly review their effects
    • Determine effective data-based change strategies, engaging staff and community stakeholders in planning and carrying out changes in programs and activities
    • Effectively integrate data-based technologies and performance management systems to monitor and analyze assessment results, for accountability reporting, and to guide continuous improvement
    • Interpret data and communicate progress toward vision and goals for educators, the school community, and other stakeholders

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